نشانه ها و علائم ظهور+معرفت امام مهدی علیه السّلام

گل نرگس کجایی تو ، چراجانم نمی آیی ؟

نشانه ها و علائم ظهور+معرفت امام مهدی علیه السّلام

گل نرگس کجایی تو ، چراجانم نمی آیی ؟

نشانه ها و علائم ظهور+معرفت امام مهدی علیه السّلام

بی عشق خمینی نتوان عاشق مهدی شد
sign zohoor emaam mahdi

طبقه بندی موضوعی

Heavenly sound and shout

3.Heavenly sound and shout
from sky

 A: “The sound from the sky is heard in the night of Jum’a, 23rd of Ramdhan. Never hesitate about it. Listen and obey, and at the end of the day, the voice of the cursed Devil raises and says: An oppressed was killed. This untimed cry will make a group doubt and a large group will go into a fire by their doubts. The sign of the cry of Gabriel is that he shouts in the name of Qa’im (AJ) and his father’s name. The hidden girls will become happy by this sound and encourage their brothers and fathers to depart.” B: “This sound will be inevitably heard before the rise of Qa’im (AJ). one of the sounds is the heavenly voice of Gabriel, the trusted, and the other one is heard from the earth which is the voice of the cursed Satan.”  D: “The person who had already believed, he will also believe now. He will hear the heavenly cry and he understands that it is true and confirms it… Then, Imam Sadiq (AS) said: The voice of Gabriel is from the sky and the sound of Satan is from the earth. You must follow the first voice. Woe to you if you follow the second voice and be deceived. The heavenly shout is true and I swear to God that each nation will hear it in their own language.” E: Imam Sadiq (AS) says: “The conflict of Bani Abbas is one of the certain signs. The voice from the sky is one of the certain signs. The departure of Qa’im (AJ) is one of the certain signs.” 


Uthman ibn Anbasa known as Sufyani, a descendant of  harridan the liver eater and the worst man in the month of Rajab after the khasf and destruction of one village and after the dispute between the two flags rises , and his entire period from the beginning of his departure until his death will be 15 months after the conquest and domination of Damascus, Homs, Palestine, Jordan and Ghennesirin. He rules for 9 months. To suppress the Shiites, he sends his forces to Iraq and the Hejaz. His army, on its way to the gherghisiya area, clashes with several other divisions and destroys them all.

Six months before the uprising of Hazrat Mehdi(as), there will be a Sofyani revolt

اَللّهُمَّ عَرِّفْنی حُجِّتَکَ

Imam Mahdi (as) is the twelfth Imam of the Shiites

امام زمان (علیه‌السّلام) و ویژگی‌های او را، دوباره باید شناخت.
امامت و نقش آن را دیگر باره با دیدی عمیق‌تر و در گستره‌ای وسیع‌تر باید بررسی کرد.
راستی چرا عدم شناخت امام زمان (علیه‌السّلام) هم پای شرک و جاهلیت، و تکذیب او هم‌ ردیف کفر و بی‌ایمانی شمرده شده است؟
رسول اکرم (صلی‌اللّه‌علیه‌و‌اله‌و‌سلّم):«مَن ماتَ وَ هُوَ لایَعرِفُ اِمامَه، ماتَ میتَهً جاهِلیّهً؛

کسی که بمیرد و امام زمانش را نشناسد به مرگ جاهلیت مرده است».
رسول اکرم (صلی‌الله‌علیه‌و‌اله‌و‌سلم): «مَن کَذّبَ بالمَهدِیّ کَفَرَ؛
کسی که مهدی را تکذیب کند کافر است».
چرا در دعای شریفه می‌خوانیم:
«... اَللّهُمَّ عَرِّفْنی حُجِّتَکَ، فَاِنَّکَ اِنْ لَمْ تُعَرِّفْنی حُجَّتَکَ ضَلَلْتُ عَنْ دینی».

«خدایا حجّت خویش را به من بشناسان، که اگر حجّت خود را به من نشناسانی، از دینم گمراه خواهم شد».
آیا غیر از این است که جز با شناخت امام، راه هدایت را نمی‌توان شناخت و جز با معرفت او، به معرفت دینی نمی‌توان دست یافت؟
  ۱. ↑ . محمدی ری‌شهری، محمد، میزان الحکمه، ج۱، ص۲۴۷.     ۲. ↑ ابن حجر الهیثمی، احمد بن محمد، الفتاوی الحدیثیه، ص۲۷.     ۳. ↑ کلینی، محمد بن یعقوب، اصول کافی، ج۱، ص۳۳۷، ح۵.     ۴.


Certain signs of appearance

In many sayings and narrations, certain signs of appearance are said to be five signs. There are also other signs that will be mentioned in the next chapter:

1. Departure of Yamani

Yamani is one of the Shi’ite followers of Amir al-Muʾminin Ali (AS) and he will depart before the appearance in order to fight Sufyani from Yemen. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (AS) says: Sufyani, Yamani, and Khurasani will depart in the same year, month, and day. Their departure is followed by each other like necklace beads. Wherever you look, there will be fear, panic, and stress. Woe unto him who fight them. Among them, there is no purer flag than the Yamani’s flag which is the flag of guidance and invites you to your owner. When Yamani departs, he will forbid the trade of weapons. When he departs, hurry to him because his flag is the flag of guidance and no Muslim should stand against him. Whoever does this will go to hell because Yamani invites people to Truth and the right path. Imam Sadiq (AS) said: One of the children of Zayd, my uncle will depart in Yemen. According to a saying: Where will be Sufyani, and that is when the breaker of his eyes has not yet departed from Yemen; Based on this narration, Yamani could be before Sufyani and he is the first certain sign.



Note 1: Most of these series happen in the period of 26 months until the appearance. Note 2: The signs that are occurred before are not mentioned. Note 3: There are 570 occurred signs. Scholars could study the second volume of “The Time of Liberation” and “Mahdi (AJ), the expected”. But, according to narrations, the day of his appearance is Jum’a (Friday) and Ashura (The tenth day of Muharram), and what is forbidden concerning the determination of time is that one should not specify any exact year of the appearance. One of the most beneficial characteristics of knowing the signs of the appearance is that in the time you live, you can predict one or two years in which the appearance occurs or not. According to narrations, he appears in an odd years, such as one, three, five, seven, nine, and certain signs –which are five- must occur in an even year. (Of, course, just as the fourteen infallibles (a.s.) have pointed to lunar months and have expressed the evidence of signs based on lunar months, the events must be investigated in this manner.) One year before the appearance, three things will be completely evident: A: Different places all over the East and West will be sunk into the earth (khasf=Sink to the bottom of the earth) and khasf Bayda is an important one that is a certain sign. B: Many Sayyids and Alavis such as Sayyid Hasani and Shu’ayb ibn Salih and Yamani will revolt in order to prepare the conditions for appearance and passing the flag of guidance to Mahdi (AJ). Yamani is the most important figure among them and he is a certain sign. C: Different heralds will be heard in Rajab, Ramadhan, Dhu al-Hijjah, Ashura, etc. and the most important of heralds will be heard on the night of 23rd Ramadhan which is one of the certain signs of appearance.

It is said that Hassani is not Sayyid